Tuesday, February 21, 2012

GOD...AGAIN About Chris Hedges' 'Truthdig' article

The use of the term ‘supreme being’, at least in my limited lexicon of experience, means a great many things to a great many people. To some, anthropomorphism is a vehicle that must exist for some in order to facilitate or give a 'face' to at least a cursory understanding of forces greater than ourselves.
The Dalai Lama as a multi-culturally respected world leader in the realm of ‘inner contemplation’ states that whatever your ‘religion’, ‘faith’, following’ may be…within your personal comfort zone should, at the helm, have love and compassion as its (their) compass. One need not ex-communicate oneself with their own path toward enlightenment (read: love), and pursue Buddhism, for example…but work within the context of what LOVE and compassion really are.
The teachings of Jesus Christ (whether one subscribes to the ‘Christian’ ways of thought or not) are at their core, very similar to that of every pursuit of ‘faith’ or spiritual journey across humankind. Love is at the core of it all…Joseph Campbell reminds us about metaphors…now that we, as a relatively evolved species, can understand abstract and complex thought, when he states that “God is a Metaphor for the Mystery that transcends all human forms of language and classification…” “God is a thought, God is an idea, but, its reference is to something that transcends all thinking.”
To also quote Campbell in his interview(s) with Bill Moyers, ” The great horror today, is what you see in Beirut”...(and…and…and…)...“where you have the three great Western Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and because the three of them have different names for the same biblical god, they can’t get on together. They’re stuck with their metaphor, and don’t realize its reference.” THAT, I believe in and of itself is the foolish, man-made, line in the sand.
We try and corporialize and compartmentalize that which is transcendant…again, to simply to get our pea-brained selves some ‘thing/one’ to whom, to relate to...as in a 'someone/thing' simply because of who ‘we…are’. There is, again, in my opinion...and experience, no "Supreme Being" or 'entity, per se…but, there is the enlightened 'state of being'. However…the concept of God, in Campbell’s thesis…is beyond most of humankind’s ability to understand..."...even within the states of ‘being or non-being', which in and of themselves are classifications…it’s as simple as that.”
The manifestation of ALL of the teachings of every religion/faith/spirit-quest…is love, plain and simple.
Love is the ONLY thing that lasts, and cannot be diluted by dogma.
Hedges knows this and has seen it happen over and over…and he also understands, that that capacity is innate within us…all.