Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NPR's Coming To Our House!!

Donna just got a call from the Chapel Hill, NC (WUNC) area NPR newsroom...seems as though they want to do a story on her and the tireless work she does with A Place for Hope, (her community outreach and resource center in Rock Hill, SC.)

They'll be here on Sat. 11-28-09...coming to the house for an interview.

Yes, it's a politically motivated feature, as our pal Marvin Rogers, the most unassuming, well spoken AND published young Afro-American (pardon my 60's usage...) Republican is the real front story. Marvin is a man who is actively changing the complexion of 'status-quo' politics in this part of the "New" South. There are a great many hurdles to jump...and he does so with grace, honesty and aplomb.

Marvin has proved himself to be a man of his word, as he actually maintains a very vocal and visual presence in the Blackmon Road Community...the community that is served by A Place for Hope. Take a sec and check out http://www.aplaceforhope.net/ and see what the situation is. Lots of info, pictures, testimonials, and success stories. Marvin ran in the local SC House of Reps race this past year...only to be swallowed up by a candidate that was just part of the afore mantioned 'staus quo' poiltics...a Democrat named John King.
Mr King...a wealthy, recognized member of the Black business community enthusiastically proselytized about his great 'visions' for his constituency...and the future of those less fortunate during his mega-funded campaign. To wit...the residents of the Blackmon Road Community.
In a word, Bullshit, Mr King. Haven't seen your sorry behind in the community EVER...save for a few photo ops.

Going to be interesting to see how all this shakes out.


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