Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Intentional Bias in North Carolina

A North Carolina trial judge recently resentenced three death-row inmates to life without parole under the state’s Racial Justice Act, which allows inmates to have their sentences reduced if it can be shown they were tainted by racial bias. In the trials of two blacks and one Lumbee Indian, the judge found “powerful evidence”of such bias.

No!!...Not in the Crown Jewel of 'The New South' Republi-Crat state...nahhh

Go figure, huh? No matter how this society feels it's 'done all it can do" for the descendants of the African people that were brought here by a 'code' of ethics so reprehensible it boggles my mind. It is (real time racism) still very much alive and doing what it does. While an almost pathological hatred and disavowal of African Americans has existed for centuries, the cause/effects, a much larger degree, and within a multi-racial environment, is now, strictly a class/economic division set in motion by The Market. Leadership figures are bought and sold/hired and fired like so much corporate raider 'turn-over' specialists set in motion by the takeover 'corporation"...a/k/a Congress/White House to squeeze profits out of rocks.

The quest for 'money/wealth/status/identity' has jeopardized the contemporary African American to an even worse degree that it has before say 1990, simply by the context of esoteric/contemporary references to wealth and class that whites use as indication of just whom they're dealing with...Hip Hop, for example, was an emerging 'voice' to an oppressed epole(s)...the idiom has been c-opted by $$$$. Just ask Russell Simmons what time it is'...The ramifications were nuts...LA hates NYC (thats' where "Rap" music originated...actually a couple of blocks from where I grew up!)..."Gangsta Rap"  emerged out of the vapid insolence of LA...Thug Life became a WAY of life...and the whole became a circus that the Racist American could use as even more fuel to feed his hate.

Until the US in whole/part...what have you, discusses openly, the horrors that were the lives of the enslaved, bought-and-sold-like-baling well as the period between 1867-1940's ...the Jim Crow era, with its extrajudicial justice called lynching, and it's targeting of mostly (90%) African-American folk with that degrading and horrific existence of hiding from the white man...and his lynching tree. Those truths are the issues that must be personally & collectively discussed and dealt with. They must be addressed in order for this country to heal. There are those folks who would love nothing better but to have all of us croak so they might have the their private, elite 'oyster'...IMHO?? Fuck 'em.

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